Ranting and venting...lol
There are some days I wonder: "Am I good enough?" I think everyone has that thought in the back of their mind when they write. I'm not ashamed to say I started out in Fanfiction, if it weren't for the many awesome people on that site I would never have taken the plunge into publishing my own works. Sure, fanfiction makes it easier to write. The character already has a personality and background. The trick is to create your own. I've also heard that because I'm not published through a publisher I am less than. I disagree. I've had to fight harder to get my work out there and claw and scratch my way up. I appreciate it more when I get little wins. I'm a big believer in paying it forward and if I can help someone, I will. I am lucky enough to have a group of people around me that back me up and hiss and snarl at those who try to hurt me. I've always had thick skin, so I can usually laugh at reviews. Recently, I was at a BBQ with a bunch of Army ...