The next books are...

In the next few months, more books will be hitting Amazon. In the Assassin-Shifters books, first up is 'Broken Bonds'. The story revolves around Jackson, Jonas, John and Anya. (The female from the Siberian Enclosure). This book will have a small m/f scene. Just to be clear, there is NO menage scene in that book.

No offense, but in my opinion, a threesome cheapens a love to me. That is only MY OPINION.

Next up is 'Forbidden'--The story of Noah and Jesse.

There are no release dates as of yet!!


  1. Thx for the update. I'm eagerly looking for all of them. Rock on Sandrine!

  2. >>No offense, but in my opinion, a threesome cheapens a love to me. That is only MY OPINION.<<

    ☆ It's my opinion too. (really happy to hear this)

    Very looking forward to the comings ヽ(*´∀`)ノ♪ (my secret(?) looking forward is to be able to get in touch with Esposito's family in every book, though...(∩_∩*)ゞ They always made me laugh and happy)

  3. Thanks for the update. I can't wait for them to come out. I just finished Lessons Learned yesterday and it was awesome as always.I also don't like threesomes, because it does cheapen the love.

    1. I'm glad you agree, I'm finding that a lot of people share my opinion! ;)


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